Info for Buyers Ongoing Homeowner Expenses The most common ongoing expenses for a house owner are: Mortgage Payments: If you've taken out a mortgage, there will be mortgage payments. Property Taxes:…authorApril 13, 2020
Info for Buyers What are some Insurance issues with Older homes? When Buying an old house, the Buyer must be aware of potential issues that crop up when trying to insure the property. It is best…authorFebruary 17, 2020
Info for Sellers How to Create a Feeling of Luxury When Selling Give your house that extra 'something' that makes potential buyers say 'Wow!' when they visit. An easy way to do this is by installing a…authorDecember 13, 2019
Info for Buyers At the Lawyer’s … Closing Costs Closing costs are those additional expenses that are due when you complete the purchase of your home. In addition to the downpayment, the buyer must…authorSeptember 13, 2019